Скульптура Подтяжка ягодиц

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Sculptra® for Brazilian but lift, also known as BBL, is a new, noninvasive, and versatile procedure to add more shape and volume to the buttocks. A Sculptra® Brazilian butt lift a great way to enhance a patient’s natural curves using a dermal filler that stimulates collagen growth in the skin. Sculptra® for Brazilian butt lift allows the patient to achieve a rounder, fuller look without surgery. Different from a regular Brazilian butt lift where fat is taken from the patient’s body and placed in the buttocks, Sculptra® for BBL is a procedure that is minimally invasive, does not require anesthesia, and has a little to no downtime.

It’s natural for weight loss, aging, and pregnancy to decrease your butt’s natural pert and plumpness. 

If this is something you’ve noticed and are concerned about, you might be considering a Sculptra butt lift. This treatment is a minimally invasive, low-risk, nonsurgical option that can enhance the curve and shape of your butt.

A Скульптра butt lift works differently than other kinds of dermal fillers. Instead of adding volume outright the way that hyaluronic acid ingredients would, Sculptra injects something called poly-L-lactic acid into your dermal layers. This substance works to kick-start your body’s natural collagen production mechanism. 

Since collagen is the protein that gives your skin its structure and shape, Sculptra injections fill out the area under your butt with a curved shape that looks natural and fits with your body type. 

The building of collagen takes several weeks to months. This means you’ll likely need several injections to see improvement in volume and shape.

How does a Sculptra butt lift work?

Sculptra® provides immediate and long-lasting results for up to two to three years. Since Sculptra® works to promote collagen production within the skin, the skin is able to thicken and improve volume over time. The results for a Sculptra® Brazilian but lift will get better over the following weeks after the procedure as the body absorbs the filler and boosts collagen levels. While the best results will be seen after a few weeks, many patients return to get multiple Sculptra® treatments to ensure the best outcome. The average patient receives about three treatment sessions over a few months to achieve the best results. The buttocks can maintain the pronounced and well-proportioned volumizing effects of Sculptra® with re-application of injections. This treatment prevents scarring and does not require a long recovery period serving as a fantastic alternative to surgical intervention. Once you achieve your final results, they can be long-lasting.

Expected Results:

  • Rounded and more curvy buttocks
  • Increased buttock volume
  • Results lasting 2-3 years

Ideal Candidates for Sculptra BBL

Good candidates for a Sculptra® Brazilian butt lift

  • Someone who does not have enough fat deposits in a donor region of the body to undergo fat transfer as part of a regular Brazilian butt lift
  • Patients desiring a non-surgical and less invasive means to augment their buttocks
  • Is willing to commit to multiple treatment sessions as results are achieved in a gradual manner

Injection Technique with Sculptra® for BBL

Sculptra® is the only FDA approved poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) filler that allows patients to build longer lasting volume gradually over time. Poly-L-Lactic Acid is an injectable, biocompatible formula made up of poly-L-lactic acid microparticles, a polymer of the alpha-hydroxy-acid family that is safely absorbed and eliminated by the body.

Recovery after Sculptra® for BBL

There will be an initial volume increase that is caused by the sterile water used to suspend the Sculptra® particles for injection. During the first day or two following the treatment, your body will naturally absorb this water. The treatment area should be lightly massaged by the patient for about 5 days after treatment to ensure the Sculptra® particles are distributed evenly throughout the buttocks to help deliver the fullest appearance. Results will appear gradually, and the shape of the buttocks will continue to improve with follow-up treatments.


  • Massage the treated area for five minutes five times a day for five days after treatment, as recommended by your physician.
  • Use a small bag of frozen peas in a sandwich bag or crushed ice to gently ice the area. No heavy ice bags. Ice for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. Continue the icing for 24-48 hours if possible. NEVER apply ice directly to skin and avoid firm pressure.

Minimize Strenuous Exercise

  • We recommend no strenuous exercise for 48 hours in order to reduce swelling and bruising. You may resume other daily activities/routines immediately after treatment.

Avoid Excess Sun and UV lamp tanning

  • Excessive sunlight and UV lamp exposure should be avoided until any initial swelling and redness go away. Your doctor will provide guidelines on sunscreen protection and how to avoid excessive sunlight.

When Sculptra® is injected into the buttocks, fullness is added, and the quality of skin improves through increased collagen production. Collagen is a natural substance made within the skin that helps to hold up and retain skin shape. As you age, your skin’s natural collagen levels diminish, leading to drooping and sagging of the skin. Sculptra® helps to promote collagen production, which helps the skin appear healthier and function better. Sculptra® is an injectable product that requires no heavy sedation, incisions, downtime, or scarring. A topical anesthetic will be used alongside treatment to ensure patient comfort.

In a standing position, the physician will assess and mark the treatment region. Local aneasthetic will be added to the Sculptra® formula to provide anesthesia. After the Sculptra® is injected, the area will be massaged for a few minutes to ensure proper product spread. Sculptr®a for Brazilian butt lift treatment can be accomplished in less than an hour with most patients needing about 2-3 treatment sessions to achieve desired results. It is recommended that each treatment be spaced out in 4-6-week intervals. 

Почему инъекции Harley Street

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