ليونة الجلد

تم تصنيف Harley Street Injectables بمتوسط 5 من 5 بناءً على 500 تقييم

What is Skin Laxity

Skin laxity is something everyone will face at some point in their life due to the natural aging process. Besides aging, there are other factors that can play a part in skin laxity, such as intrinsic and extrinsic factors, genetics, diet, lifestyle, sun exposure, stress and smoking. Sometimes following a healthy diet and workout regimen isn’t enough to target laxity in the skin. There are two vital components to the skin’s structure that will affect laxity; collagen and elastin. As we age we begin to lose these two key components and our skin begins to lose elasticity, resulting in loose or sagging skin.


Collagen is the main structural protein found in the skin and other connective tissues throughout the body. Think of collagen as the “building blocks” of the skin. Elastin is a protein that coils and recoils like a spring within the elastic fibers of connective tissue, accounting for the elasticity of the skin and other structures of the body. The skin depends on both collagen and elastin to remain tight to our face and body. Collagen and elastin are found in the deeper layer of the skin called the dermis, which is located right above the fatty layer which lies beneath the skin.

As we age, our bodies begin to stop producing collagen and elastin. Other outside factors are responsible for the destruction of these two key components in the skin; keep in mind the difference between destruction and production. The aging process can be rushed by the things we are doing in our day to day lives, affecting the appearance and health of our skin.


Intrinsic factors occur internally in our bodies and these factors are sometimes out of our control. As we age our skin and body begins to decline over time – genetics play a huge role in this aspect. The production of collagen and elastin slows down, resulting in changes to the skin. At 20 years of age, your body begins to produce 1% less collagen per year and the skin becomes more fragile and thinner. Other internal factors, such as sweat and oil glands, begin to diminish in overall function over the years. Our sebaceous glands (oil glands) are responsible for keeping the skin naturally hydrated and supple. As the production of those glands lessens the skin becomes drier, resulting in fine lines/wrinkles.

Extrinsic aging occurs from environmental factors including free radicals, toxins, pollutants and UV rays. In our day to day lives, we are exposed to high levels of free radicals which damage the skin and body. Antioxidants are key to preventing free radical damage so incorporating them into your diet and skin care regimen is essential.

An antioxidant is a substance that inhibits oxidation or reactions promoted by oxygen, peroxides or free radicals, thus preventing damage to the body. A few key antioxidants are vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin A (retinol) and green tea. Incorporating these antioxidants into your diet and skin care regimen is a great way to reduce the visible signs of aging. Along with diet and lifestyle, protecting your skin from UV rays is a must. Sun exposure accounts for about 85% of skin aging so wearing a sunscreen with a SPF of 30 or higher needs to become part of your daily routine. Extrinsic aging causes the appearance of freckles, sun spots, excessive loss of collagen and elastin, formation of precancerous lesions as well as skin cancer. The appearance of an uneven skin tone, dryness, roughness and fine lines and wrinkles are also factors of extrinsic aging. The best thing you can do for your skin is wear a sunscreen every single day.

خيارات العلاج

Boosting your skin’s strength and resilience involves restoring your collagen and elastin levels. To effectively increase this production, we can utilise a range of non-surgical treatments that trigger fibroblast activity for skin tightening.


The Ultraformer 3 device by Classys is the most effective skin tightening device available on the market, using high intensity focused ultrasound to deliver unbeatable results for your face and body without going under the knife. What makes the Ultraformer 3 special is that it uses MMFU (micro macro focused ultrasound) technology at temperatures of 65-75°C.

This method of using HIFU causes micro-coagulation and subcutaneous fat micro-reduction at one of 7 depths beneath the skin dependant on area being treated. The vast majority of depths which can be chosen therefore means the Ultraformer 3 Skin tightening device is effective at treating even the most delicate areas of the skin, such as around the eyes.

Results from treatment are immediate, but noticeable, continuous improvements for the following 3 to 6 months, our what our patients love the most. Patients can experience up to 6mm of lift to the eyebrow area, making it one of the most effective treatments available on the market.

Ultraformer 3 is capable of treating a number of different skin conditions which means you may be a candidate for this treatment without even realising it. If you’re noticing any signs of ageing or loose sagging skin, this is the treatment for you. By tightening the skin across the face or body, we can help eliminate skin folds, fine lines and wrinkles and decrease skin laxity. This leaves you with firmer, more lifted contours and skin.

Treatments usually last as little as 30 minutes and require no downtime because it’s non-invasive. Patients may notice some redness to the treated area, whether that’s the face or body, however, this goes quickly.

Depending on the laxity of you skin you may need up to three treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

Although results can last up to two years we usually recommend getting a treatment once a year.

Soft Thread Lift

The soft thread lift is considered to be the non-surgical solution to a facelift. Biodegradable threads elevate the skin and create a lifting effect. The treatment simultaneously stimulates collagen production, providing a further support structure for the skin. It is a popular treatment for lifting the lower part of the face but can also effectively work for ageing eyes.

في Harley Street Injectables ، سيقوم الأطباء أو الممرضات ذوو الخبرة العالية والمؤهلين والمعتمدين بإجراء العملية الخاصة بك.

The process begins with a thorough consultation, where we will discuss your aesthetic concerns and devise a unique thread-lift plan. The soft thread lift requires a local anaesthesia which allows for a faster recovery time and carries less risks than general anaesthesia. We carry out the operation in our clinic theatre, which offers convenience and has the highest standards of hygiene and patient safety.

Temporary markings will indicate the lifting direction and entrance site of the threads.

Bio directional PDO threads are the first threads that we use and insert through a cannula or micro-needle. Following this, we may also use uni-directional threads to treat the neck, jawline, marionette and nasolabial folds. They are beneficial for creating a more natural contouring effect. The nurse or Doctor will then remove the cannula, and the threads remain in place.

ستشكل الخيوط هيكل دعم شبه دائم للوجه مع تأثير الرفع في الذروة بعد حوالي ستة أشهر. تستمر النتائج حوالي 18 شهرًا ولكنها تختلف من مريض لآخر.

تستغرق العملية عادة حوالي 45-60 دقيقة ، حسب حجم المنطقة وعدد الخيوط.

يمكن للوجه المتقدم في السن أن يظهر بعدة طرق ؛ الترهل والتجاعيد وفقدان الحجم هي بعض المؤشرات التي قد نتوقع رؤيتها. يمكن أن يؤدي استنفاد المرونة والكولاجين إلى تغيير شكل الوجه وهيكله الداعم. بعض العلامات السابقة (بعد التغييرات في نسيج الجلد) هي ترهل الوجه السفلي ، وتدلي الحاجب.

سوف يتم إدخال خيوط PDO من خلال قنية شد الخيط الناعم. يمسك الجلد بالأشواك أو المخاريط الموجودة على الخيط. تشكل الخيوط القابلة للتحلل بنية داعمة تعمل على شد الجلد المترهل وتحديد محيطه وشده من خلال تحفيز عملية التجدد الطبيعية للجسم.

من خلال إثارة استجابة الشفاء الطبيعية للجسم ، فإن الإجراء يعزز نمو الكولاجين الجديد الذي يحيط بالشعيرات ، مما يمنح الجلد مظهرًا متجددًا ، والذي يتحسن تدريجياً على مدى عام.


Profhilo is a hyaluronic based injectable that can treat skin laxity, boost and hydrate the skin and remodel ageing and sagging tissue. As the remodelling effects happen over time, patients usually require 2-3 treatments for optimal results.

Profhilo is a suitable treatment for those who are looking for a treatment that will provide revitalisation, radiance and hydration, and a smoother skin surface.

As the formulation synthesises collagen and boosts elasticity, it can also reduce wrinkles, tighten the skin and give a subtle lifting enhancement. It’s suitable for all skin tones and skin types.

Unlike other filler types that build volume, or plump out lines, Profhilo has a smoother consistency that spreads evenly. You could think of it like an injectable serum, that disperses Hyaluronic acid so that you can take advantage of its hydrating benefits.

As the hyaluronic acid spreads, it stimulates four different types of collagen and elastin. In doing so, it helps to smooth lines and wrinkles and tighten the skin. The moisture-binding injectable also keeps the skin dewy and plump.

The cell-regenerative effect improves the overall condition, quality and texture of your skin.

يمكنك توقع إعادة تشكيل الجلد في غضون 2-3 جلسات.

مرة في الشهر لأول 2-3 جلسات ، ثم ما بين 3-6 أشهر لأي علاجات صيانة.

Results will improve with each treatment and can last 28 days or more. With the boost in hyaluronic acid, you could expect to benefit from an increase in collagen that lasts for several months after your treatment.

مورفيوس 8

مع تقدمنا في العمر ، يفقد الجسم قدرته على إنتاج الكولاجين والإيلاستين كما كان يفعل من قبل ، مما يؤدي إلى فقدان حجم الجلد وثباته. Morpheus8 هي طريقة ثورية لشد الجلد تعيد بناء وتقوية البنية الأساسية لبشرتك من خلال الوخز بالإبر مع تقنية الترددات الراديوية (RF).

يتميز Morpheus8 by InMode Applicator بوجود 24 سنًا مطلية ، والتي سوف تخترق الأنسجة تحت الجلد لتحفيز استجابة الشفاء التي "تعيد بناء" بشرتك. في الوقت نفسه ، تعمل طاقة الترددات الراديوية على تسخين سطح الجلد لتعزيز إنتاج الكولاجين. يساعد الاثنان معًا على تحديد لون بشرتك وتنعيمها وتجديدها.

قبل العلاج ، يتم استخدام كريم مخدر أو مخدر موضعي للتأكد من أنك لن تشعر إلا بقدر ضئيل من الانزعاج طوال الوقت.

وقت التوقف عن العمل ضئيل. يجب تجنب وضع المكياج أو لمس وجهك لمدة تصل إلى 24 ساعة بعد العلاج. قد يظهر احمرار طفيف لمدة تصل إلى أسبوع.

ستلاحظ تحسنًا فوريًا وطويل الأمد في بشرتك. ستستغرق النتائج المثالية حوالي 3 أشهر لتظهر بينما تستمر بشرتك في التحسن. قد تستمر النتائج حوالي عام ، لذلك قد تكون هناك حاجة إلى جلسات متابعة سنوية للحفاظ على النتائج.

في الأيام الثلاثة الأولى بعد مورفيوس 8 ، حافظ على وجهك جافًا ونظيفًا قدر الإمكان. يغسل بالماء الفاتر فقط ، بلطف جفف الجلد المعالج حتى يشفى. تأكد من نظافة يديك عند لمس المنطقة المعالجة.

احمِ بشرتك باستخدام عامل حماية من الشمس واسع الطيف (على الأقل SPF 30 ، أفضل SPF 50) في جميع الأوقات من 3 أيام بعد الإجراء.

من 3 أيام بعد علاج Morpheus8.

نوصي بتناول Arnica 3x يوميًا عن طريق الفم لمدة 7 أيام قبل علاج Morpheus8 ، سيساعد ذلك في تقليل مخاطر الإصابة بالكدمات.

قبل أسبوع من العلاج ، توقف عن استخدام أي منتجات موضعية مهيجة مثل الأحماض أو الريتينول أو فيتا سي أو المقشر وكذلك أي أدوية مضادة للالتهاب غير الستيروئيدية (إذا سمحت حالتك الطبية) مثل الأسبرين أو الإيبوبروفين التي تتداخل مع تخثر الدم الطبيعي قبل أسبوع من العلاج.

لا نوصي أيضًا بأي علاجات كاشطة مثل الليزر / الإبر الدقيقة أو علاجات الوجه القاسية بالإضافة إلى التعرض للشمس لفترات طويلة أو الاسمرار المزيف أو أسرة الشمس (أي تان نشط) قبل 4 أسابيع.
يتم تطبيق كريم التخدير في العيادة قبل 45 دقيقة من العلاج.

يرجى الوصول إلى موعدك ببشرة نظيفة ، بدون لوشن ، أو مكياج ، أو زيت.

تم تصنيف Harley Street Injectables في المتوسط

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