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Activate the skin’s natural regenerative process with Sculptra to help replenish lost facial collagen. Collagen is the most common protein in the body and helps support the skin’s inner structure. This FDA-approved injectable subtly and gradually helps restore facial volume.

Biostimulators are a breakthrough in aesthetic medicine which naturally encourage the production of collagen. Elastin and collagen are the ‘scaffolding’ of the face and as they diminish with age, we lose structure and elasticity.

What are biostimulator injections?

Biocompatible synthetic stimulants are injected beneath the surface of the skin and serve to restore volume, thus rejuvenating and improving skin quality and appearance.

The injectables function by stimulating the production of the body’s natural fibroblast – cells which create collagen and elastin.

Once the cycle is complete and the collagen production has occurred (along with all components of the extracellular matrix) the biodegradable synthetic substances are then naturally absorbed by the body.

How long do the results of biostimulators last?

The length of time the injections last again depends on the individual, but results can last as long as 1-3 years. Booster injections can be applied to maintain and optimise the longevity of results.

Results are also dependant on whether the biostimulators were applied in combination with other treatments which may last for more or less time, as well as lifestyle choices, age, skin quality, etc.

Generally the outcome will be evident weeks or months after treatment, depending on the individual, and can last for two years or more as the collagen stimulation continues for months.


  • The procedure is performed in-clinic by a trained provider.
  • No pretesting is required for Sculptra treatments.
  • You can return to your normal activities immediately after treatment.
  • There is no special preparation required.


  • Some results can be seen after just one treatment, but full results take a few weeks.
  • The average treatment regimen consists of three injections over the course of three or four months.
  • Results can last up to two years.

How does Sculptra work?

Sculptra is injected into the skin to diminish facial wrinkles. It contains PLLA, which acts as a collagen stimulator, helping to gradually restore fullness to facial wrinkles and folds. This results in a softer and more youthful appearance.

You may notice immediate results, but it can take a few months to see the full results of your treatment.

Your Sculptra specialist will work with you to determine the number of treatment sessions needed to achieve the best result. The average regimen consists of three injections spread out over three or four months.

Targeted areas for Sculptra

Sculptra is used to diminish facial wrinkles and folds and has been clinically approved to treat smile lines and other wrinkles around the nose and mouth as well as chin wrinkles.

Sculptra has many off-label uses, including:

  • nonsurgical butt lift or buttock augmentation
  • correction of cellulite

Sculptra has also become a popular choice for those looking to bulk up their appearance. It’s being used to create definition and the look of extra muscle mass on the:

Procedure for Sculptra

During your initial consultation with a trained physician, you’ll be asked to provide your complete medical history, including any medical conditions and allergies.

On the day of your first Sculptra treatment, your doctor will map the injection sites on your skin and cleanse the area. A topical anesthetic may be applied to help with any discomfort. Your doctor will then inject your skin using multiple small injections.

You should be able to return to your normal activities immediately after treatment. Your doctor will advise you of any special instructions.

Side effects?

You can expect some swelling and bruising at the injection site. Other common side effects include:

  • redness
  • tenderness
  • pain
  • bleeding
  • itching
  • bumps

Sculptra shouldn’t be used by people with a history of irregular scarring or anyone allergic to the ingredients of Sculptra. It shouldn’t be used at the site of skin sores, acne, cysts, rashes, or other skin inflammation.

What to expect after Sculptra?

Most people can return to their normal activities immediately after Sculptra injections. Swelling, bruising, and other side effects are usually mild and subside within a few days.

Doing the following will help speed along your recovery:

  • Apply a cold pack to the affected area for a few minutes at a time within the first 24 hours.
  • Following treatment, massage the area for five minutes at a time, five times a day, for five days.
  • Avoid excessive sunlight or tanning beds until any redness and swelling has resolved.

Results are gradual, and it may take a few weeks to see the full effects of Sculptra. Results last up to two years.

Are there other similar treatments?

Sculptra falls under the category of dermal fillers. There are several FDA-approved dermal fillers available, but unlike other fillers that push up the space just below wrinkles and folds for immediate results, Sculptra stimulates collagen production.

The results appear gradually as your collagen production increases, and it lasts up to two years.

لماذا حقن هارلي ستريت

• يقوم أطباء وممرضاتنا المدربون تدريباً عالياً والمعتمدين في لندن بإجراء أكثر من 5000 علاج بوتوكس سنويًا.

• نحن نصمم أسلوب الحقن ليناسب أهدافك الجمالية.

• تستخدم ممرضاتنا وأطبائنا في لندن أحدث التقنيات مثل طريقة رفع الحاجب ، ومواكبة الاتجاهات الحالية باستمرار.

• لدينا فهم شامل لتشريح العضلات لتجنب الآثار الجانبية غير المتوقعة.

• المنتجات التي نستخدمها هي من أعلى مستويات الجودة وهي أصلية من Allergan.


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