IPL- Photo Rejuvenation

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Photo Rejuvenation Treatment

The ETHEREA IPL-Sq® System uses the latest advances in light treatment technology to offer reliable and predictable skin improvement treatments. It promotes collagen production, helps to remove unsightly blemishes and restore a smooth, even complexion. It can be used on a range of skin types1, and is ideal for treating problems such as skin laxity and wrinkling, sun damage, acne and some types of pigmented and vascular lesions.

ETHEREA IPL-Sq® uses light energy in the form of intense, ‘broad-spectrum’ light bursts that penetrate the skin. It employs various filters to refine the light energy, depending on the target. In this way, it is capable of treating a range of conditions. ETHEREA IPL-Sq® Photo Rejuvenation can make a dramatic difference to the appearance of your skin. It can help restore a blotchy, ageing appearance to a more even, youthful and creamy complexion.

IPL Photo rejuvenation Treatment

Your IPL Photorejuvenation treatment will start with a cleanse of the skin before a mask is placed over the eyes to protect them from the light. The IPL device will then be gently pressed onto the skin and it will emit an intense pulsed light which then passes through the skin epidermis and penetrates deeper into the dermis where the pulsed light energy heats up and stimulates cells called fibroblasts to encourage the production of fresh collagen. IPL emits a wide range of light waves which also work to reduce the appearance of redness, brown spots and discoloration in the skin as they absorb the light and eventually fade over a course of treatment.

After your IPL
Photorejuvenation Treatment

You may need to have several treatments of IPL Photorejuvenation to achieve your desired result. Our skin specialists usually recommend 3-6 treatments spaced 1 month apart. Once your course of treatment is finished you will notice an improvement in skin discolouration, redness, sun damage and age spots. Your skin will have an overall fresh and rejuvenated appearance

Most patients are able to return to their regular activities shortly after treatment. Your skin may be red and sensitive for a few hours following treatment, similar to sunburn. You should avoid exposure to the sun and hot water for 48 hours

Etherea IPL-Sq® 使用自动确定正确波长的先进技术。光脉冲穿过皮肤表面(不会损坏皮肤)并精确地传送到目标,促进伤口愈合过程,在这个过程中皮肤会迅速产生新的、未受损的皮肤细胞。

Intense Pulse Light (IPL) is a non-invasive skin treatment that uses IPL technology to help improve and reduce some of the most common skin complaints such as;

  • Brown Spots
  • 黄褐斑
  • Age spots and sun damage
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Broken Capillaries
  • 红斑痤疮
  • Large pores
  • Excessive flushing /Redness
  • Spider veins
  • Stretch marks

ETHEREA IPL-Sq® 使用最先进的 SQUARE-WAVE PULSE® 技术,与其他 IPL 系统不同,它提供完全均匀的受控微处理能量爆发。这最大限度地减少了能量脉冲变化带来的不良影响,并提供了更可靠的结果。

如果您有晒伤皮肤、寻常痤疮、色素沉着或血管病变,Etherea IPL-Sq® 光子嫩肤可能会对您有显着帮助。但是,您的医生会在彻底检查您的皮肤后确定最适合您的治疗方法。

不应在最近被晒黑或过度暴露在阳光下的皮肤上进行 IPL 治疗。

ETHEREA IPL-Sq® treatment is non-invasive, so most people can experience cosmetic improvements quickly, with minimal risk and downtime. Laser skin resurfacing is used for more serious skin problems, such as significant sun damage or acne scarring. It is invasive, due to the fact that the surface of the skin is removed during the treatment, so it requires significant recovery time, and there is a greater risk of complications. Your practitioner will advise you regarding the best treatment option for you.


For best results, most people need a series of 3 – 5 treatments, each spaced about a month apart. The exact number of treatments will depend on the nature and extent of the problem being treated. You will be able to see some improvement after each treatment, until you achieve the desired result*

1 hour
12 - 18 months
5 Treatments
1 - 2 weeks
24 - 48 hours

为什么选择 Harley Street 注射剂

• 我们训练有素且经过认证的伦敦医生和护士每年进行超过 5000 次肉毒杆菌毒素治疗。

• 我们根据您的审美目标定制注射方法。

• 我们的伦敦护士和医生使用最新技术,例如提眉法,并不断跟上当前趋势。

• 我们对肌肉解剖结构有透彻的了解,以避免不可预见的副作用。

• 我们使用的产品和机器都是最高质量的,并且都获得了 FDA 的批准。


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